Usage Statistics for DiskStation213

Summary Period: February 2024
Generated 01-Mar-2024 00:13 CET

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for February 2024
Total Hits 1155011
Total Files 205913
Total Pages 1154846
Total Visits 147189
Total KBytes 1669204
Total Unique Sites 812
Total Unique URLs 76
Total Unique Referrers 200
Total Unique User Agents 114
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 1659 3813
Hits per Day 39827 87729
Files per Day 7100 28027
Pages per Day 39822 87725
Sites per Day 28 148
Visits per Day 5075 15117
KBytes per Day 57559 209545
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.52% 5970
Code 200 - OK 17.83% 205913
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.00% 4
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.00% 1
Code 401 - Unauthorized 0.05% 635
Code 404 - Not Found 0.00% 37
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.40% 4638
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 81.20% 937813

Daily usage for February 2024

Daily Statistics for February 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 208 0.02% 156 0.08% 166 0.01% 80 0.05% 47 5.79% 2758 0.17%
2 248 0.02% 140 0.07% 245 0.02% 145 0.10% 85 10.47% 3167 0.19%
3 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
4 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
5 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
6 14 0.00% 9 0.00% 14 0.00% 3 0.00% 3 0.37% 374 0.02%
7 5826 0.50% 1167 0.57% 5824 0.50% 329 0.22% 148 18.23% 19307 1.16%
8 21967 1.90% 1979 0.96% 21964 1.90% 74 0.05% 59 7.27% 26969 1.62%
9 21925 1.90% 1908 0.93% 21921 1.90% 79 0.05% 67 8.25% 25619 1.53%
10 21905 1.90% 2111 1.03% 21904 1.90% 112 0.08% 67 8.25% 24676 1.48%
11 22024 1.91% 3388 1.65% 22022 1.91% 122 0.08% 85 10.47% 40030 2.40%
12 22132 1.92% 1925 0.93% 22130 1.92% 138 0.09% 109 13.42% 27081 1.62%
13 21837 1.89% 1259 0.61% 21837 1.89% 72 0.05% 49 6.03% 16303 0.98%
14 21941 1.90% 3944 1.92% 21938 1.90% 80 0.05% 53 6.53% 43868 2.63%
15 75092 6.50% 4494 2.18% 75092 6.50% 2302 1.56% 37 4.56% 45517 2.73%
16 86793 7.51% 11707 5.69% 86792 7.52% 8496 5.77% 62 7.64% 116274 6.97%
17 87729 7.60% 12031 5.84% 87725 7.60% 12235 8.31% 112 13.79% 120246 7.20%
18 54954 4.76% 10517 5.11% 54953 4.76% 8034 5.46% 40 4.93% 101016 6.05%
19 18374 1.59% 5989 2.91% 18374 1.59% 1796 1.22% 40 4.93% 37589 2.25%
20 86567 7.49% 18263 8.87% 86526 7.49% 14724 10.00% 53 6.53% 160345 9.61%
21 86722 7.51% 28027 13.61% 86722 7.51% 15117 10.27% 37 4.56% 209545 12.55%
22 86555 7.49% 12056 5.85% 86555 7.49% 13472 9.15% 38 4.68% 117906 7.06%
23 67439 5.84% 15032 7.30% 67436 5.84% 14934 10.15% 33 4.06% 86946 5.21%
24 69962 6.06% 12317 5.98% 69960 6.06% 10179 6.92% 45 5.54% 77697 4.65%
25 86725 7.51% 6116 2.97% 86684 7.51% 8992 6.11% 55 6.77% 56256 3.37%
26 55147 4.77% 15729 7.64% 55145 4.78% 11635 7.90% 22 2.71% 84230 5.05%
27 55068 4.77% 14400 6.99% 55066 4.77% 11621 7.90% 41 5.05% 77607 4.65%
28 53362 4.62% 13824 6.71% 53361 4.62% 11284 7.67% 44 5.42% 73812 4.42%
29 24495 2.12% 7425 3.61% 24490 2.12% 1207 0.82% 116 14.29% 74067 4.44%

Hourly usage for February 2024

Hourly Statistics for February 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1584 45964 3.98% 287 8346 4.05% 1584 45963 3.98% 2281 66151 3.96%
1 1636 47449 4.11% 310 9008 4.37% 1636 47448 4.11% 2448 70992 4.25%
2 1564 45371 3.93% 276 8007 3.89% 1564 45368 3.93% 2217 64300 3.85%
3 1573 45618 3.95% 254 7389 3.59% 1572 45615 3.95% 2276 65990 3.95%
4 1643 47671 4.13% 273 7945 3.86% 1643 47667 4.13% 2399 69573 4.17%
5 1667 48361 4.19% 315 9139 4.44% 1667 48360 4.19% 2543 73736 4.42%
6 1691 49046 4.25% 387 11248 5.46% 1691 49044 4.25% 3112 90237 5.41%
7 1687 48945 4.24% 322 9339 4.54% 1687 48945 4.24% 2482 71973 4.31%
8 1689 49003 4.24% 347 10076 4.89% 1689 49000 4.24% 2839 82334 4.93%
9 1681 48754 4.22% 326 9458 4.59% 1681 48754 4.22% 2379 68980 4.13%
10 1678 48671 4.21% 318 9225 4.48% 1678 48670 4.21% 2538 73593 4.41%
11 1653 47958 4.15% 308 8939 4.34% 1652 47916 4.15% 2505 72651 4.35%
12 1608 46643 4.04% 340 9861 4.79% 1608 46640 4.04% 2560 74238 4.45%
13 1709 49562 4.29% 303 8802 4.27% 1708 49558 4.29% 2599 75378 4.52%
14 1716 49764 4.31% 346 10054 4.88% 1715 49762 4.31% 2871 83263 4.99%
15 1600 46411 4.02% 282 8196 3.98% 1599 46398 4.02% 2569 74508 4.46%
16 1585 45970 3.98% 258 7498 3.64% 1584 45939 3.98% 2077 60227 3.61%
17 1593 46216 4.00% 260 7563 3.67% 1592 46173 4.00% 2098 60846 3.65%
18 1576 45717 3.96% 242 7046 3.42% 1576 45715 3.96% 1896 54977 3.29%
19 1738 50418 4.37% 282 8195 3.98% 1738 50418 4.37% 2275 65970 3.95%
20 1736 50355 4.36% 264 7665 3.72% 1736 50352 4.36% 2067 59929 3.59%
21 1740 50463 4.37% 266 7719 3.75% 1740 50463 4.37% 2111 61214 3.67%
22 1733 50269 4.35% 273 7940 3.86% 1733 50266 4.35% 2330 67582 4.05%
23 1738 50412 4.36% 250 7255 3.52% 1738 50412 4.37% 2088 60563 3.63%

Top 12 of 76 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 74572 6.46% 312114 18.70% /phpbb/memberlist.php
2 68129 5.90% 639322 38.30% /phpbb/
3 39180 3.39% 291674 17.47% /phpbb/ucp.php
4 22506 1.95% 391765 23.47% /phpbb/faq.php
5 891 0.08% 3947 0.24% /phpbb/posting.php
6 445 0.04% 2239 0.13% /phpbb/feed.php
7 10 0.00% 1 0.00% /phpbb/cron.php
8 8 0.00% 101 0.01% /phpbb/docs/INSTALL.html
9 5 0.00% 30 0.00% /phpbb/docs/FAQ.html
10 3 0.00% 21 0.00% /phpbb/docs/README.html
11 2 0.00% 746 0.04% /phpbb/photos/filezilla/FileZilla.pdf
12 2 0.00% 111 0.01% /phpbb/styles/we_clearblue/theme/fonts/font-awesome/fontawesome-webfont.woff2

Top 12 of 76 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 68129 5.90% 639322 38.30% /phpbb/
2 22506 1.95% 391765 23.47% /phpbb/faq.php
3 74572 6.46% 312114 18.70% /phpbb/memberlist.php
4 39180 3.39% 291674 17.47% /phpbb/ucp.php
5 891 0.08% 3947 0.24% /phpbb/posting.php
6 445 0.04% 2239 0.13% /phpbb/feed.php
7 2 0.00% 746 0.04% /phpbb/photos/filezilla/FileZilla.pdf
8 2 0.00% 111 0.01% /phpbb/styles/we_clearblue/theme/fonts/font-awesome/fontawesome-webfont.woff2
9 8 0.00% 101 0.01% /phpbb/docs/INSTALL.html
10 5 0.00% 30 0.00% /phpbb/docs/FAQ.html
11 3 0.00% 21 0.00% /phpbb/docs/README.html
12 10 0.00% 1 0.00% /phpbb/cron.php

Top 10 of 10 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 74572 6.46% 15386 36.53% /phpbb/memberlist.php
2 68129 5.90% 14119 33.53% /phpbb/
3 39180 3.39% 7723 18.34% /phpbb/ucp.php
4 22506 1.95% 4328 10.28% /phpbb/faq.php
5 891 0.08% 429 1.02% /phpbb/posting.php
6 445 0.04% 112 0.27% /phpbb/feed.php
7 8 0.00% 8 0.02% /phpbb/docs/INSTALL.html
8 5 0.00% 5 0.01% /phpbb/docs/FAQ.html
9 3 0.00% 3 0.01% /phpbb/docs/README.html
10 10 0.00% 1 0.00% /phpbb/cron.php

Top 10 of 10 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 74572 6.46% 11922 46.92% /phpbb/memberlist.php
2 39180 3.39% 7830 30.82% /phpbb/ucp.php
3 22506 1.95% 2800 11.02% /phpbb/faq.php
4 68129 5.90% 2245 8.84% /phpbb/
5 891 0.08% 499 1.96% /phpbb/posting.php
6 445 0.04% 93 0.37% /phpbb/feed.php
7 8 0.00% 8 0.03% /phpbb/docs/INSTALL.html
8 5 0.00% 5 0.02% /phpbb/docs/FAQ.html
9 10 0.00% 3 0.01% /phpbb/cron.php
10 3 0.00% 3 0.01% /phpbb/docs/README.html

Top 30 of 812 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 386317 33.45% 67753 32.90% 502687 30.12% 49037 33.32%
2 379439 32.85% 66655 32.37% 496917 29.77% 48189 32.74%
3 375325 32.50% 65552 31.83% 487746 29.22% 47389 32.20%
4 4638 0.40% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 4 0.00%
5 270 0.02% 197 0.10% 8116 0.49% 26 0.02%
6 222 0.02% 155 0.08% 6493 0.39% 19 0.01%
7 192 0.02% 144 0.07% 5939 0.36% 16 0.01%
8 181 0.02% 141 0.07% 5837 0.35% 22 0.01%
9 181 0.02% 141 0.07% 5837 0.35% 21 0.01%
10 144 0.01% 108 0.05% 4454 0.27% 10 0.01%
11 122 0.01% 40 0.02% 730 0.04% 100 0.07%
12 120 0.01% 90 0.04% 3714 0.22% 10 0.01%
13 108 0.01% 81 0.04% 3342 0.20% 9 0.01%
14 86 0.01% 63 0.03% 2598 0.16% 9 0.01%
15 65 0.01% 56 0.03% 2340 0.14% 6 0.00%
16 62 0.01% 46 0.02% 1899 0.11% 5 0.00%
17 60 0.01% 45 0.02% 1856 0.11% 5 0.00%
18 60 0.01% 45 0.02% 1856 0.11% 7 0.00%
19 60 0.01% 45 0.02% 1856 0.11% 5 0.00%
20 60 0.01% 45 0.02% 1856 0.11% 1 0.00%
21 56 0.00% 49 0.02% 2023 0.12% 5 0.00%
22 54 0.00% 46 0.02% 1898 0.11% 5 0.00%
23 51 0.00% 9 0.00% 498 0.03% 28 0.02%
24 49 0.00% 24 0.01% 113 0.01% 7 0.00%
25 48 0.00% 48 0.02% 267 0.02% 1 0.00%
26 47 0.00% 25 0.01% 91 0.01% 10 0.01%
27 46 0.00% 44 0.02% 230 0.01% 1 0.00%
28 44 0.00% 19 0.01% 86 0.01% 10 0.01%
29 44 0.00% 17 0.01% 62 0.00% 8 0.01%
30 43 0.00% 22 0.01% 83 0.00% 9 0.01%

Top 10 of 812 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 386317 33.45% 67753 32.90% 502687 30.12% 49037 33.32%
2 379439 32.85% 66655 32.37% 496917 29.77% 48189 32.74%
3 375325 32.50% 65552 31.83% 487746 29.22% 47389 32.20%
4 270 0.02% 197 0.10% 8116 0.49% 26 0.02%
5 222 0.02% 155 0.08% 6493 0.39% 19 0.01%
6 192 0.02% 144 0.07% 5939 0.36% 16 0.01%
7 181 0.02% 141 0.07% 5837 0.35% 21 0.01%
8 181 0.02% 141 0.07% 5837 0.35% 22 0.01%
9 144 0.01% 108 0.05% 4454 0.27% 10 0.01%
10 120 0.01% 90 0.04% 3714 0.22% 10 0.01%

Top 30 of 200 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 1148935 99.47% - (Direct Request)
2 3250 0.28%
3 964 0.08%
4 590 0.05%
5 82 0.01%
6 73 0.01%
7 64 0.01%
8 60 0.01%
9 51 0.00%
10 44 0.00%
11 36 0.00%
12 34 0.00%
13 33 0.00%
14 32 0.00%
15 24 0.00%
16 23 0.00%
17 20 0.00%
18 19 0.00%
19 18 0.00%
20 17 0.00%
21 16 0.00%
22 14 0.00%
23 13 0.00%
24 11 0.00%
25 10 0.00%
26 10 0.00%
27 10 0.00%
28 10 0.00%
29 10 0.00%
30 9 0.00%

Top 20 of 114 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 1141113 98.80% Safari
2 6187 0.54% Chrome
3 2177 0.19% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Barkrowler/0.9; +
4 541 0.05% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
5 122 0.01% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
6 71 0.01% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +
7 36 0.00% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64; rv:114.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0
8 31 0.00% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
9 25 0.00% Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
10 11 0.00% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0
11 10 0.00% Googlebot-Image/1.0
12 10 0.00% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 12.5; rv:114.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0
13 10 0.00% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0
14 6 0.00% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexImages/3.0; +
15 4 0.00% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
16 4 0.00% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
17 3 0.00% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; AS; rv:11.0) like Gecko
18 2 0.00% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:114.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0
19 2 0.00% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0
20 2 0.00% Older Microsoft Explorers

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 1155011 100.00% 205913 100.00% 1669204 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23